In Our objective is to provide you with High-Tech and differentiation Ingredients and Systems, aimed at manufacturing and packaging in the Food and Processing industry. tenemos como objetivo el brindarle Ingredientes y Sistemas de Alta Tecnología y diferenciación, dirigidos a la manufactura y empaque en la industria Alimentaria y de Transformación.

Since our establishment in 1989, as part of  Corporación Premiumand through our experience and knowledge of the market we have managed to bring together a group of representations of worldwide important companies in each of its sectors, in addition to using their ingredients for the formulation of solutions to your needs.

Nuestro  enfoque está apoyado fuertemente en el servicio, basados en un sistema de Gestión y FSSC22000, el desarrollo de una relación de sociedad con nuestros clientes en una relación ganar-ganar.  El cliente está en el centro de nuestros procesos, de ellos vivimos, para ellos trabajamos.


We are a conscious and respectful of the environment and participate in the improvement and social contribution to it. In addition we look to constantly promote the overall development of all our staff.

We manage our company through a continuous improvement system. We are always innovating and improving to serve better our customers.

All our actions are focused on the vision of becoming a leading company in our industry.


 Be a reference in the commercialization of the products we handle for the industrial markets we serve.


Comercializar productos con enfoque de servicio y sistemas apropiados,  generando una relación de sociedad con nuestros clientes, un retorno adecuado a nuestros accionistas, colaborando con la sociedad y el medio ambiente y promoviendo el desarrollo integral y la salud de nuestros colaboradores.



“En cada acción estamos comprometidos con innovar para crecer con nuestros clientes”


The fundamental values in which we govern our activities in the company are:


Comply with one's own moral commitments and duties and with others.


Carry out the necessary actions to fulfill the commitments.


Individual and collective effort to achieve objectives.

Service spirit

The customer, the reason for the business.


Generate value with the moderate use of resources.


Meet and exceed customer expectations.

Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas

 In 2023, we joined the United Nations Global Compact, reinforcing our commitment to operate responsibly and comply with the ten established principles. In addition, we committed to taking strategic measures to contribute to the advancement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

 Principios para el Empoderamiento

de las Mujeres


Business Relationships

In Our objective is to provide you with High-Tech and differentiation Ingredients and Systems, aimed at manufacturing and packaging in the Food and Processing industry. we believe in long-term relationships that generate simultaneous growth of both parties. It is our goal that this relationship does not refer only to “trading”, but that it grows to become a “society”, in which we can contribute to your needs and in turn enrich our experience through working with you.

Política de Calidad e Inocuidad de Alimentos 


Realizar la recepción, el almacenaje y distribución (carga) de los productos que comercializamos, garantizando la calidad e inocuidad, a través de la mejora continua, una comunicación eficaz interna y externa, asegurando una competencia necesaria y pertinente para el cumplimiento de los objetivos de calidad e inocuidad, así como de  los requisitos legales, regulatorios y del cliente. Buscando superar los requerimientos y expectativas de nuestros clientes.

General CSR Policy 


Makymat will always be governed by the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility, established in ISO 26000 practicing ethical behaviors and a humane, fair and responsible treatment, respecting Human Rights, maintaining a permanent commitment to our stakeholders: collaborators, shareholders, corporate governance , customers, suppliers, contractors, competition, authorities, with our community and taking care of the environment.


We have earned the important National recognition of "The Best Mexican Companies®" Este  se otorga a  empresas privadas mexicanas, pequeñas y medianas por su alto desempeño en la gestión de negocios, siendo además una plataforma para exponer, reconocer e impulsar las mejores prácticas empresariales.  Es importante mencionar que este reconocimiento lo hemos recibido por 10ª vez consecutiva en 2023 y seguiremos buscándolo para 2024.